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Don’t Forget The Nutrition!
Dr. Wendy Lanser, DC

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Sunnyvale Nutrition
Summertime madness of activities about to begin! We had just about mastered the balance all of our daily activities. Now with the ring of the last school bell hit fast forward and add the bumper of kids games, practices, carpools and change of babysitters. As our activities become a series of the next, we sometimes begin a pattern of a “what’s easier at the moment” attitude. Unfortunately, that also can lead to poor habits in our choices for what we choose to eat and when we eat.

Nutrition Does Not Come In Snack Packs

We know that proper nutrition is crucial for you and your family’s growth and development.

A simple rule is that a well-balanced diet can help you and your family build strong, healthy bodies, while regular poor eating habits put your health in danger of a weakened immune system, obesity, and shortened life span.

Snack Time Choices

Even if we may be conquering and balancing our regular meals nutritiously, the one time that may get away from us quickly is Snack Time – those quick in between quick bite times that may too often become your main meals if you are not careful.

To help here are a few tips to help make sure your snack time is not only nutritious but can provide body repair building moments.

1. For our snack times, it is best to opt for fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt, and cheese. Try to stay away from starchy, sticky or sugary foods, like dried fruit, crackers, chips and cookies. These types of snacks are very high in carbohydrates and sugar which could cause a dip in energy, which may have been the reason you were snacking.

2. If you would like a treat, eat your sweet treats at meal times; preferably the mid-day meal. Having the sugars and higher carbohydrate treats at the mid-day meal allows your body the time to break down and use the energy rather than store it as excess fat. Aim for high protein snack in the evening to give your body the much-needed protein to make the essential repairs it does while you are sleeping.

3. Beware of the Wrong Sugars. Almost all foods have naturally occurring sugars. Naturally occurring sugars–like those found in milk and vegetables–are less bothersome, since these choices are healthy overall. What you do want to keep an eye out for when choosing snacks are the additional sugars and corn syrups added by the recipes of man.

Current guidelines state that added sugar consumption should be limited to less than 10 percent of total energy intake, ideally to less than 5 percent. To put simply, one can of soda is equivalent to three times the daily recommended sugar intake of a child. Yikes!

Best Choices On Tap

With the importance of hidden sugars not only for our waistlines but our health, we would like to advise you to choose your beverages wisely. Soda and juice maybe you or your family’s preferred drinks, but milk and water are much healthier choices. Milk is an excellent source of calcium which provides a key nutrient in building healthy teeth and bones. While refreshing water will replenish, rehydrate, and help cleanse your body’s system of toxins.

Timing Is Everything

Small frequent drinks are essential for overall health, but be careful of constant sipping of beverages besides water throughout the day. Regular consumption of caffeinated or carbonated beverages has the adverse effect of dehydration. The best recommendation is to limit snacking and sip on water. If you do prefer to drink anything that contains sugar, drink it during mealtimes or all at once.

Ready To Help!

We are proud to help every generation of our community create and maintain better health. So call today as our team is here to help you and your family to restore, rehabilitate and revitalize your health.

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For Your Health,

Dr. Wendy Lanser, DC

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