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by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Mar 28, 2024 | Health Articles

Nearly every adult today has experienced some form of back pain in their lifetime. Whether the pain was caused by lifting something awkwardly or from strenuous activity. More often than not this pain will subside after a period of rest, if it is purely muscular pain. However, spinal disc injuries cause more of an extreme ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Feb 20, 2024 | Health Articles

Nearly every adult today has experienced some form of back pain in their lifetime, whether it was caused by lifting something awkwardly or strenuous activity. More often than not, this pain will subside after a period of rest if it is purely muscular pain. However, spinal disc injuries cause more extreme pain and are usually ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Jan 3, 2024 | Health Articles

The fastest growing health problem in the modern world is obesity. Obesity contributes to increases in the risk of other diseases and is putting an extreme strain on health budgets throughout the world. The financial implications that are associated with obesity are huge. Here are just a few statistics:
Approximately 17% of all medical costs in ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Sep 7, 2021 | Health Articles, Office News, Our Newsletter

Dear Patient and Friend,
Scientists have known for years that walking is great exercise. Regular brisk walking can extend your lifespan up to twenty years! But a new study has shown that walking may offset the harmful effects of poor sleep patterns.
It’s no secret to doctors of all kinds that not getting enough quality sleep interferes with not only your daily function but also your longevity. Insufficient sleep may cost you years off your life. So, anything you can do to improve the way your body works could give you back those lost years.
A huge study in Australia and England followed 380,000 people over 11 years and compared their exercise routines with their sleeping habits. They discovered that those who exercised consistently shook off many of the problems associated with bad sleep – in other words, even if they didn’t sleep enough, exercise helped them to live longer and healthier. Moreover, those who both exercised and slept well were even healthier still. But those who slept poorly and did not exercise were 60% more likely to die early, 70% more likely to get heart disease, and had a 45% greater risk of cancer.
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by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Jul 6, 2021 | Health Articles, Office News, Our Newsletter

Dear Patient and Friend,
When you are thirsty, your brain and body are calling for more water – but too often, we drink beverages that may seem to quench our thirst temporarily but actually are potentially harmful. So let’s look at what happens in your brain when you drink soda pop.
Besides promoting tooth decay and obesity, drinking too much sugary soda decreases your thinking and memory functions. So some people opt for diet soda, thinking it less unhealthy.
But in fact, a 2017 study showed that drinking diet soda increased the risk of stroke and dementia. Regular diet soda abusers tripled their probability of Alzheimer’s disease and stroke. And those who drank regular sugary soda increased the risk of stroke by 21%, according to a 2020 study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.
Drinking soda also tends to interrupt normal sleep patterns due to the caffeine and sugar content. It has also been shown to create memory problems, which linger from adolescent soda abuse and last into adulthood.
Nutritionists link soda to caffeine dependence, in which a person exhibits symptoms of being sluggish, irritable, or lacking focus and concentration. Ongoing caffeine consumption from soda can lead to chemical changes in the brain that make you and your brain crave more. This means that you may feel like you need more soda to feel the stimulating effects of caffeine.
While occasional soda drinking is usually okay, drinking it every day leads to health issues, so be sensible, and you’ll be taking better care of your brain.
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