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Commit to Better Health

Weight Loss Sunnyvale CA

Let's Spring into Health! Do you want to lose that stubborn weight?  Did you promise yourself that this year you would get into shape?  Do you want to feel young again and enjoy your health and life? It can happen.  But, it is up to you to make a change.  Do something different.  It comes down to ...


Foot Loose

todays fasion tomorrows pain

Our feet carry us everywhere that we want to go. They come in virtually every size and shape and are thrust into narrow spaces or raised up on four-inch heels to give us height. Victimized by bunions, calluses, plantar warts, and blisters. Subjected to hot sand, hard gravel and stones in the summer and occasionally ...


Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – June 2013 Issue

June 2013 Newsletter

You may have heard the expression “phantom limb” — what on earth could that mean?

You see, when people suffer the loss of an arm or leg, they may still feel pain or other sensations in the missing body part, because we don’t actually feel things on our body, we feel them in our brain.

Your brain is in charge of running the body, using the spinal cord and nerves as a wiring network to connect everything together. Because all messages come from and go through the brain, it’s essential to keep your brain and nerve system in good working order.

As long as this control center is functioning normally, your body tends to work well. But if anything stresses the system, it will affect the efficiency of your body to heal, regulate itself, and work properly.

There are three causes of stress on the brain and nerve system. There can be emotional or psychological stress, like anxiety, depression or just pressure. There can be chemical or nutritional stress, from eating poorly or taking drugs or other toxic substances. And, there can be physical or mechanical stress, from wear and tear, or large and small injuries to your spine, which is charged with the responsibility of protecting the nerve system.

But no matter the source of the stress, all stress is brain stress. Like with a phantom limb, all sensations are routed through the brain, and it’s essential to have a healthy brain and nerve system if you want a healthy body.

Your doctor of chiropractic is your neighborhood expert on decreasing stress on your brain and nerve system. You and your family will enjoy a better health and wellness when you develop better lifestyle habits — your chiropractor can help you make better choices and decisions, leading to a better quality of life.

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Are Your Feet The Cause of Your Back Pain?

todays fasion tomorrows pain

Our feet carry us everywhere that we want to go. They come in virtually every size and shape and are thrust into narrow spaces or raised up on four-inch heels to give us height. Victimized by bunions, calluses, plantar warts, and blisters. Subjected to hot sand, hard gravel and stones in the summer and occasionally ...


Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – March 2013 Issue

You hear about it every day – so many of the common maladies suffered by our families, friends and neighbors seem to come from stress of some kind – but what is stress, what causes it, and what can we do about it?

Stress is your body’s response to the conditions around you – if your environment is friendly, you will have less stress, and if it is less friendly, your stress will increase. The stronger and healthier your body, the better you handle stress.

There are three types of stress – physical stress, chemical stress, and emotional stress.

Physical stress is mechanical stress, either injury or wear and tear, often affecting your bones, muscles, joints, and nerve system. Chemical stress is toxic stress, either from taking in poisons or not nourishing your body with the proper foods and nutrients, affecting your organs, nerve system, immune system and skin. Emotional stress is psychological stress, from poor coping strategies, financial or family pressures, or the absence of stress reduction and relaxation practices, influencing your digestion, sleep, circulation, and nerve system.

Authorities agree that about 70% of serious disease is preventable, by adopting lifestyle choices that reduce these three types of stress. Improve your diet and reduce your intake of stress-producing foods like sugars, fried foods and heavy fats. Ease your mind by including meditation, yoga or some other stress reduction technique. And get yourself in shape by exercising, while minimizing your physical stress with good posture and regular chiropractic care.

Learn about these wellness principles and apply them to keep your stresses under control – you can save yourself a lot of unnecessary suffering and expense, and improve the quality of your life while you’re doing it.

Be sure to click here and download our full newsletter.

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