Posts Tagged ‘Sunnyvale CA Chiropractic Care’
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by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Mar 14, 2024 | Health Articles

Today’s lifestyles and work habits have had detrimental effects of pain to millions of people around the world. Neck pain affects 10-15% of people and is particularly common among middle-aged men and women. In the age of research studies, Chiropractic and manual therapy has come out on top for a cost effective solution in treating ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Mar 5, 2024 | Health Articles

Today’s lifestyles and work habits have had detrimental effects of pain to millions of people around the world. Neck pain affects 10-15% of people and is prevalent among middle-aged men and women. In the age of research studies, Chiropractic, and manual therapy have become cost-effective solutions in treating patients suffering from neck pain and restricted ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Oct 19, 2021 | Health Articles, Office News, Our Newsletter

Dear Patient and Friend,
A new study shows that how long you sleep plays a role in the health of your brain, including the prevention of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Sleep scientists agree that it is common for older people to sleep less soundly and for a shorter time than younger people. This often contributes to memory loss and attention span, reduced thinking power, poorer problem-solving, and even less efficient decision-making.
The researchers found that those who reported sleeping less than six hours each night had chemical changes in their brain that could be related to dementia. In addition, those who slept less did worse on cognitive tests than those of similar age who slept over six hours nightly.
They concluded that choosing the right amount of sleep each night is likely to improve your brain function. Conversely, those who didn’t sleep enough were more likely to be overweight and depressed. Interestingly, those who slept too much had similar patterns, so your best chance at a healthy brain revolves around finding your “sweet spot” – the amount of sleep your brain and body prefer.
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by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Mar 19, 2020 | Health Articles

Today’s lifestyles and work habits have had detrimental effects of pain to millions of people around the world. Neck pain affects 10-15% of people and is particularly common among middle-aged men and women. In the age of research studies, Chiropractic and manual therapy has come out on top for a cost effective solution in treating ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Feb 13, 2020 | Health Articles

Lights and Bells are sounds we are conditioned to respond to quickly when there is a crisis. Our body's warning system, pain, is unfortunately the most often ignored alarm. Pain of any kind is a warning signal from your body that something is wrong. People often prefer to silence their warning system with pain killers ...