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Posts Tagged ‘Physical Medicine Sunnyvale CA’

Welcome to Lanser Chiropractic's Physical Medicine Sunnyvale CA Archive. Here you can learn more about Lanser Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C., today's choice for Chiropractors in Sunnyvale, CA. Read Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C.'s Chiropractic Physical Medicine Sunnyvale CA for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - 408-245-5454.

New Year’s Resolution to Exercise

Weight Loss Sunnyvale CA Exercise

This is the time of year that we all begin to think about the new year and the resolutions of change that we will try to commit to this year.  Beginning an exercise program is generally approached in that certain way: With enthusiasm, high hopes and a positive attitude. Then the realization kicks in. It’s hard ...


Your Health’s Fuse Box

Sunnyvale CA Chiropractic Clinic

In our office, our purpose is to not only help you get well but to stay well.  The best way for us to achieve this simply explaining the "how" and "why" of how your body works and what you can do to maintain the results that we are able to help you achieve. Understanding Made Easy When ...


Understanding Whiplash Injuries and Neck Pain

Whiplash Sunnyvale VA Neck Pain

As the roads become increasingly slippery, more auto accidents are occurring at an alarming rate.  The sharp  or sudden stops are causing whiplash injuries to not only the driver but all the passengers involved.  These injuries unfortunately do not always cause sudden pain but can manifest over time and are not limited to motor vehicles ...


Are You Suffering with Arthritis?

Sunnyvale VA Arthritis

Are you one of the new generation that suffers with arthritis but refuses to accept to sit on the sideline?  If so read on! Understanding the Arthritis Myths Years ago, arthritis was considered an inherent part of the aging process and a signal to a patient that it's time to slow down. But not so anymore. Recent ...


The Slam Dunk on Avoiding Back Pain

Sunnyvale VA Low Back Pain

Basketball season is about to begin!  Whether we play professionally, for a school team, or for a league on Sunday, one on point game plan should be to invest in the proper shoes to avoid future injuries and unnecessary pain. Too many people choose fashion over function when purchasing athletic shoes, not realizing that poor-fitting shoes ...


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