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Posts Tagged ‘Low Back Pain Sunnyvale CA’

Welcome to Lanser Chiropractic's Low Back Pain Sunnyvale CA Archive. Here you can learn more about Lanser Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C., today's choice for Chiropractors in Sunnyvale, CA. Read Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C.'s Chiropractic Low Back Pain Sunnyvale CA for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - 408-245-5454.

ESC The Digital Age of Neck Pain

Neck Pain Sunnyvale CA Posture

We are in full swing of the digital age. All correspondence is now primarily virtual. This interaction between humans includes business, casual acquaintances and worse, our more intimate partners. With so much time spent in our virtual world, our physical bodies, especially our neck and back, are suffering from diseases inclusive of obesity, migraine headaches ...


Pack Your Bags – Leave Your Back Pain Behind!

Back Pain Sunnyvale CA Vacation

Summer vacation is near!  The excitement of warm weather and the well-needed break from school or work  is upon us.  As the last school bell rings or the final confirmation of your travel plans arrives to make sure you not only pack accordingly but prepare with these simple tips so you may enjoy the most of ...


Don’t Become A Whiplash Statistic

Neck Pain Sunnyvale CA Whiplash

Our bodies love the exhilaration of moving fast. Unfortunately, they are not as accepting of the sharp stops. These sharp stops can not only be painful today but can have a traumatic effect on your health long term. If you have ever been in a car, roller coaster, or possibly simply fallen and came to a ...


The Best Health Insurance Policy

Natural Health Insurance Sunnyvale CA Wellness

Healthcare in the US continues to deteriorate. Unfortunately, like a "boiling frog," we are becoming more complacent as the costs for lower coverage insurance rises. These costs not only affect our wallets, but also the loss of time and productivity spent waiting at the doctor's office. Waiting times can often be an hour or more. ...


Which Is Best For My Pain Relief? Heat or Ice?

Pain Relief Sunnyvale CA Physiotherapy

Ice or Heat?  When you suffer with an injury or are in need of pain relief this question arises quite frequently.  Most often we reach for the solution that our mothers gave us or what our best friend who also suffered with the same the injury or pain did. While some say ice is better for ...


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