Posts Tagged ‘Chiropractors Sunnyvale CA’
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by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Jan 1, 2013 | Health Articles

A 78-year-old man was suffering from increasing pains he described as “achy low back pain” for two years and had progressively worsening pain in his legs that he described as “sharp, electric and crampy.”
An MRI showed severe degenerative lumbar (low back) stenosis.
Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a condition resulting in narrowing of the spinal canal ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Dec 27, 2012 | Health Articles

Over the last few decades there has been a staggering rise in the cost of health care, which has finally stimulated our government to take action with the result being "Obamacare". There were many cost savings measures that were considered while they hashed out all the details but one that seems to have been overlooked ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Dec 24, 2012 | Health Articles

Whiplash is an injury that is common to automobile accidents, but there are many other ways in which this painful blow to the cervical spine can occur. When it does, studies confirm that Chiropractic can provide significant help and long-term healing results.
A whiplash injury occurs when there is an abrupt backward or forward jerking motion ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Dec 20, 2012 | Health Articles

It is no surprise that snow, ice and freezing weather can create problems for people. Slips and falls abound, for one thing. Those who like to indulge in winter sporting activities, however, are far more likely to receive injuries, especially if they have not conditioned their bodies in advance.
Skiing, skating and tobogganing can all lead ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Dec 18, 2012 | Health Articles

Why would a parent not take a child to see a chiropractor? The basic answer might come down to no information or incorrect information.
Here are some of the most common reasons why not:
They don’t know about Chiropractic
They don’t know about the potential benefits of Chiropractic
They think that a Chiropractic adjustment might be too rough for ...