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by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Nov 2, 2021 | Health Articles

Are you sitting or standing on the bench due to an injury? For most athletes and health enthusiasts, recovering from an injury can be a workout in itself. For a serious athlete, being told that you have to reduce or halt activity altogether to let a bone or muscle heal is equivalent to torture. ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Oct 26, 2021 | Health Articles

Almost everyone knows the symbolic goal of Mount Midoriyama. The pinnacle test which American Ninja warrior contestants will train year round to reach and push their bodies to the edge of better, stronger, and faster. Whether we are active participants or avid watchers, we witness the incredible strides in the performance that our bodies ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Oct 19, 2021 | Health Articles, Office News, Our Newsletter

Dear Patient and Friend,
A new study shows that how long you sleep plays a role in the health of your brain, including the prevention of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Sleep scientists agree that it is common for older people to sleep less soundly and for a shorter time than younger people. This often contributes to memory loss and attention span, reduced thinking power, poorer problem-solving, and even less efficient decision-making.
The researchers found that those who reported sleeping less than six hours each night had chemical changes in their brain that could be related to dementia. In addition, those who slept less did worse on cognitive tests than those of similar age who slept over six hours nightly.
They concluded that choosing the right amount of sleep each night is likely to improve your brain function. Conversely, those who didn’t sleep enough were more likely to be overweight and depressed. Interestingly, those who slept too much had similar patterns, so your best chance at a healthy brain revolves around finding your “sweet spot” – the amount of sleep your brain and body prefer.
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by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Oct 19, 2021 | Health Articles

The engine of the autumn season is now officially in overdrive. As the rushing to school, sports events or other important functions are on the fast track so may the attack on you and your family's immune systems. So this month let us all commit to making ourselves a little healthier by choosing one or more ...
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Oct 5, 2021 | Health Articles

Autumn season is upon us! Our senses come alive as many of us are beginning to enjoy the sight of the beautiful and majestic colors displayed on our trees, the touch of coolness in the air, and the smell of bonfires. We know the beauty is short-lived for the beautiful trees soon lose their leaves ...