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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – August 2016 Issue

lanser-logoDear Patient and Friend,

We’ve all watched kids at play – they’re fearless, hurling their bodies around, jumping back up from skateboard falls, bicycle collisions, football tackles or assorted trips and stumbles.

They may seem like they’re rubbery and resilient, but too often, the jarring impact they suffer shows up later in life, as weaknesses or damage that can be traced back to childhood.

So what is a concerned parent’s best course of action?

Never ignore a child’s complaint – if your kid says something is bothering him or her, take it seriously, better safe than sorry, get it checked out.

Keep an eye on your kids while playing – sometimes they may sustain a pretty significant trauma, but they forget to tell you. Ask about any bruises, limping or other signs of injury — and be persistent, find out what happened.

And, bring your family to your chiropractor for periodic check-ups – if there’s anything wrong, your doctor of chiropractic can find it and offer whatever corrective advice is called for.

Frequently, the health challenges and problems adults may face began with injuries in early life that were never addressed properly. Give your children an advantage – watch them closely through their developmental years, and get them checked regularly by your family chiropractor.

Be sure to click here and download our full newsletter.

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For Your Health,

Dr. Wendy Lanser, DC

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