Optimal Health Mechanics
Savor Full Bodied Healthcare!
Love Your Joints
I Hear You, Health Choices
Happy Easter!
Happy St. Patrick's Day Sunnyvale!
Fibromyalgia Solutions in Sunnyvale

Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome which is used to describe many symptoms. These symptoms include muscle pain, fatigue, and multiple sensitive tender points. Currently, Fibromyalgia affects 3 to 6 million people within the United States, 90% of these people are women. However, it is still unknown why the number of people that suffer from Fibromyalgia ...
The Start of Great Health in Sunnyvale

Nothing can be more contagious than to receive a huge smile from a child. The hope of their bright future emanates in their laughter, and we can think of nothing more beautiful or valuable. As we love them all from the very start, we want to ensure they are well loved, well cared for, well ...