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Welcome to Lanser Chiropractic's Our Newsletter Archive. Here you can learn more about Lanser Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C., today's choice for Chiropractors in Sunnyvale, CA. Read Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C.'s Chiropractic Our Newsletter for the health of it.

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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – April 2016 Issue

lanser-logoDear Patient and Friend,

t seems like a day doesn’t go by without some report about some food additive, flavoring or preservative that turns out to be harmful to us. Sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose, high fructose corn syrup, saturated fats and GMO wheat and soybean oil are in almost everything we eat – what’s a family to do?

We expected the food manufacturers to be responsible for what they sell, and to some degree they make an effort to do so, but let’s face it, they are in business and they are not above cutting corners to improve their bottom line.
That means that it’s up to the food consumer to decide what is acceptable and what isn’t. Educate yourself – the information is generally just a click or two away online. If you read the labels on your foods and there are ingredients you can’t pronounce, that should be a clue – what’s that stuff doing in there? Some may be safe, but astute people don’t just take the company’s word for it – they check it out for themselves.

Whoever makes these food-related decisions in your home – have a conversation about extra substances that show up in your food, and take an extra step to be sure the food you serve at your table is up to speed. If it’s labeled organic or non-GMO, it’s a start – and then, if you do a few minutes of research, you’ll find out which food additives are linked to health problems you may want to know about.

It could be one of the greatest favors you ever do for those you love.

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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – March 2016 Issue

lanser-logoDear Patient and Friend,

Most people accept that chiropractors help patients with painful problems, like back pain, headaches and other related disorders.

But many patients visit their chiropractor to build wellness, not only to counteract and relieve their symptoms. For many years, this was accepted anecdotally, but now cutting edge research begins to explain why chiropractic patients are healthier overall.

In a research study conducted by Dr. Heidi Haavik, founder of New Zealand’s Centre for Chiropractic Research, a direct correlation was drawn between chiropractic adjustments and improvement in brain function. This shows why chiropractic patients are healthier – because their brains are working better. This means they heal faster, fight disease better – overall, their bodies work more efficiently because their brains are doing a better job.

Chiropractors help you to become healthier by clearing the communication between your brain and the rest of your body. This new study explains how this works — it’s because chiropractic adjustments are good for your brain.

Don’t wait until you have a painful problem, or until someone you care about suffers needlessly – get regular checkups for the whole family, and make sure your spine and your brain are working the best they can. Your health will be better because of it.

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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – February 2016 Issue

lanser-logoDear Patient and Friend,

Valentine’s Day is more than just an excuse to exchange greeting cards. Scientific evidence demonstrates that acts of love, kindness and support actually turn on a flow of chemicals in your brain that make you feel good.

Dr. Pat Mumby from Loyola University’s Stritch School of Medicine says, “Falling in love causes our body to release a flood of feel-good chemicals that trigger specific physical reactions.”

Substances like dopamine (which makes you feel euphoric) and adrenaline (which makes your heart go pitter-patter and your cheeks flush) are produced in greater quantity and dumped into the bloodstream when you feel loving feelings. Love ―lights up‖ the pleasure centers of the brain, which can be visualized with brain scans.

This helps us to understand why loving actions make us feel good. It’s a physical response – your body is designed to register such positive sensations when you do something kind, compassionate or supportive.

So participating in the Valentine’s Day festivities does more than just get you into your sweetheart’s good graces – it actually improves the chemical processing of his or her brain and body, decreasing stress and promoting optimism.

Look for ways to demonstrate your love – everyone involved will feel better because of it!

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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – January 2016 Issue

lanser-logoDear Patient and Friend,

At the beginning of every year many people decide that this is the year they get healthy – eat better, sleep more, exercise and meditate and all the other good things that lead to better health.

The problem is, when we try to do everything, it’s hard to get it all right, and if we set the bar unreasonably high, then it feels like we’re failing even If we’re doing pretty well.

Instead, in this New Year, pick one thing and commit to working at it.

Do you want to be fitter? Plan a simple exercise program, starting slowly and getting more vigorous as you make progress. Three thirty minute sessions should be plenty to get started, and then add more sessions and more intensity from there.

Do you want to be thinner? Reduce your portion size – you can still eat a variety of foods, but eat less, and you’ll be surprised how easy it is to knock off some of those unwanted pounds.

Do you want to be calmer and less stressed? Pick a short time each day just for quiet time, to be alone with your thoughts, or even better, see if you can get outside and commune with nature, or learn to practice yoga.

Do you want your body to be tuned up to peak efficiency? Visit your chiropractor – doctors of chiropractic are experts on the inner workings of your body, keeping you in alignment and balance for optimal performance.

Maybe you can do all of these things over time, but at least you can do one right now – pick a health habit and commit to it, and you’ll feel better, look better, and your body will work that much better. Happy New Year!

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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – December 2015 Issue

lanser-logoDear Patient and Friend,

When you walk down the street in your town, what do you see? You may notice your fellow man and woman, scurrying toward their next appointment or obligation. You may see the stores and offices that people live and work in. You may see the beauty of Nature in the trees, flowers, earth and sky.

But one thing that is everywhere you look is the opportunity to do good – to find ways to serve or support each other, to share what you have learned, and to take every opportunity to make a difference in your life and the lives of those you can influence.

Sadly, most people you will come across will not be as healthy as they could be. They may be suffering from some kind of painful problem, or some illness, allergy or complaint. They may be okay but not expressing their energy to the fullest they could. Or, they could be doing quite well, but curious about being at their very best.

In any of these situations, inviting those you care about into the world of health and wellness can be a life-altering experience for them. Regardless of their current level of health, everyone can benefit from looking at their current habits, evaluating the places that could use some improvement, and making the necessary changes to have the healthiest life possible.

One way to do this is to include the advice of natural healers like doctors of chiropractic. Chiropractors have unique ways of understanding and working with people to bring out their natural healing ability and help them express their greatest health potential.

Give the gift of health in this season of giving – share what you have learned about safe, gentle, all-natural chiropractic care. Your willingness to reach out to others could change someone’s life for the better – and what better holiday present could you offer than that?

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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – November 2015 Issue

lanser-logoDear Patient and Friend,

Holidays of gratitude like Thanksgiving give us more than an opportunity to demonstrate our appreciation.

Modern science is proving that gratitude actually helps us to live longer, and with a better quality of life. Most of us realize the detrimental effects of stress, and gratitude is being shown to reduce our stress.

On webMD.com, University of California Davis psychology professor and gratitude researcher Dr. Robert Emmons, says that “feelings of thankfulness have tremendous positive value in helping people cope with daily problems.”

Grateful people have healthier immune systems, so they get sick less often, and get better faster when they do. That‟s because people with a positive attitude produce more protective blood cells than those who are more pessimistic, studies show.

So, it seems that gratitude has real health rewards! Here are four simple steps to help you be more grateful and get those health benefits.

      Make a gratitude journal, and make regular entries to remind and focus yourself on what you have to be thankful for.
      Write a list of the assets in your life, and see if you take any for granted, so you stay mindful of your blessings.
      Monitor your self-talk, and communicate better with yourself, so you can maintain your balance and good attitude in times of duress.
      Choose a better way to deal with adverse situations – after all, you feel differently if you look at who’s in the diaper than you do if you look at what’s in the diaper.

Get into the habit of noticing the good things in your life and appreciating them – not only does it make you nicer to be around, it could increase your longevity and give you a better quality of life.

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