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Welcome to Lanser Chiropractic's Our Newsletter Archive. Here you can learn more about Lanser Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C., today's choice for Chiropractors in Sunnyvale, CA. Read Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C.'s Chiropractic Our Newsletter for the health of it.

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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – November 2017 Issue

Lanser ChiropracticDear Patient and Friend,

Everyone loves the excitement of a long pass for a touchdown or a slap shot for a goal. Professional athletes work their whole lives to build the kind of strength and stamina to perform at the highest levels. Then, they wear protective equipment that minimizes their chance of injury, and even so many do hurt themselves, sometimes seriously.

It’s only natural that we as adults and our children will want to play such sports, to be more like our heroes and also because it’s fun. But usually we don’t have the safety training or the properly padded uniforms and helmets to avoid injuries, and even if we do, any impact to our adult brains and their young brains can be hazardous. A concussion is too common among grade school and high school athletes, but even more common are smaller brain injuries that don’t produce many problems at first but accumulate with each successive jolt.

Well-informed adults make sure they and their kids have the right guidance and the right equipment to safeguard their health. Current research shows that chiropractic care makes your brain healthier, so if you or your child sustains an injury, include your doctor of chiropractic in the decision-making.

Our brains are fragile, even more so than our bodies and limbs – be smart and be extra careful with autumn contact sports.

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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – September 2017 Issue

Lanser Chiropractic
Dear Patient and Friend,


Most people will admit to some stress in their lives. We face challenges every day, from small and irritating temporary stresses like bucking traffic at rush hour to major family, health or financial concerns – few of us elude the stresses of normal living.

The problem is, those stresses may be hurting us, sometimes more than we realize – they rob us of needed sleep, move us toward questionable dietary choices, and jangle our nerves so we don’t show up at our best in our work, our relationships, in our lives.

When you are stressed, your body makes chemicals that help you respond to danger – but when the danger passes, your body should return to a normal, relaxed state. The problem is, our stresses are so continuous, that many of us never get back to that relaxed state – and that is one of the major causes of disease, chronic unresolved stress.

Learn about stress, and how to handle the stresses of your life. Those you can avoid or minimize, please do so – for the others, you’ll need to learn to adapt so you can handle the issues while giving your body a break when called for.

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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – July 2017 Issue

Lanser ChiropracticDear Patient and Friend,

Doctors, researchers and sports trainers agree – exercise is one of the best ways to reduce your stress. Why does exercise make you feel so good?

Physical activity turns on chemicals in the brain called endorphins, which act like organic painkillers, relaxers and sleep aids. You make more of these feel-good neurotransmitters when you exercise, when you get a massage, even when you meditate or breathe deeply. It’s your body’s natural stress reducer.

Exercise helps you stay sharp mentally, reduces fatigue, and makes you think better overall. And it doesn’t require all-out intense exercise to reap significant rewards – a routine as simple as three to five thirty minute workouts each week is generally enough to stay at a reasonable level of fitness.

But you can reduce your stress with a lot less exercise than that – some scientists have found that as little as five minutes of aerobic exercise kicks your anti-anxiety machinery into gear, decreasing tension, improving mood, and building self-esteem.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America says that seven out of ten American adults report feeling stress daily, and most say that it has a significant negative effect on their lives.

Imagine how much positive energy could be created if many or most of that 70% included a little exercise in their daily routine! Handling stress is a key to successful, healthy living, so let’s spread the word – take good care of your body, and it will take good care of you!

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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – April 2017 Issue

Lanser ChiropracticDear Patient and Friend,

We live in a complex world. Information flies at us at an overwhelming pace. And information on health and wellness abounds – but who do you listen to? How much water is sufficient, and how much is too much? How much exercise do we need, and what kinds? What foods should we concentrate on, and which ones should we avoid? Is there anyone who knows for sure?

Your best safeguard is your own common sense. It makes sense to eat fresh, wholesome foods, and avoid or minimize heavily processed, fried, and overly sweetened or salty food. It makes sense to include some low-impact, consistent exercise, like walking, stretching, swimming, or yoga. It makes sense to reduce your stress, to get outside and breathe fresh air, and to get seven or eight hours of sleep each night.

And, it makes sense to keep your body in good working order. You may already know that regular visits to your doctor of chiropractic can decrease your stress, tune up your brain, and help you to avoid painful problems.

Your chiropractor, Dr. Wendy, can help you understand how to take better care of yourself, to make better lifestyle decisions and develop habits that will serve you throughout a long and healthy life. Let your chiropractor, Dr. Wendy, advise you on which other health and wellness professionals you may need on your family’s team – it will come back to reward you many times over.

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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – March 2017 Issue

Lanser ChiropracticDear Patient and Friend,

We hear a lot about the brain these days. The media gives us lots of information about brain diseases, like stroke or Alzheimer’s. But recently, there has been more of a push to educate the public about how to take better care of your brain, through good lifestyle habits and consulting the appropriate wellness professionals.

One simple thing anyone can do to improve brain health, that costs no money and is very pleasurable, is to sleep enough. Typically, adults need seven or eight hours of sleep each night, and kids usually need even more.

While you are asleep, your mind quiets down, and daily maintenance is performed – your brain needs to clean and detoxify itself, and this process occurs during sleep. So it’s fair to say that if you don’t sleep enough to complete the maintenance, your brain won’t work as well, and over time, it can get sick.

So, plan your day and evening so you can get enough sleep. If you have to get up at 6 AM, plan to get to bed between ten and eleven. If you can sleep until 7 AM, as long as you get to bed before midnight, you should be okay. Sometimes we have to miss a little sleep, and it’s essential to get a little extra sleep the next few days to make up for it.

Don’t mess with your brain health – get enough sleep!

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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – February 2017 Issue

Lanser ChiropracticDear Patient and Friend,

Most people know that chiropractors often help people with painful problems – back pain, neck pain, headaches, shoulder and knee pain, and so on. Pretty much every kind of painful condition has gotten better with the help of chiropractic adjustments. It’s what most people know about chiropractors – if you want to get relief from your pain, see a chiropractor.

But most people could benefit from seeing a chiropractor, even before they hurt. After all, many of the people who visit chiropractors for back pain didn’t do anything in particular to injure themselves, they just woke up one day feeling bad, or it came on slowly and kept getting worse – doesn’t it make sense that the problem may have started before the pain began?

Most of the time, the pain is not the problem – the pain tells you that you have a problem. It’s like a fire alarm ringing when the fire is burning. The alarm isn’t the problem, it tells you that you have a problem. If you just shut off the alarm, the fire will take your house. Yes, you have to shut off the alarm, but then you have to put out the fire.

It’s the same thing with your symptoms. The pain tells you something is wrong – your brain and nerve system being stressed, or some habit coming back to bite you. Yes, your chiropractor will help you feel better as soon as possible, but he or she also needs to address the underlying cause of the pain.

So who needs to go to a chiropractor? Everyone should get a checkup, at least once or twice a year, to be sure there are no problems developing. A clean bill of health means your best chance at feeling good, with your body working well. Don’t wait till it hurts – get a checkup.

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