Archive for the ‘Our Newsletter’ Category
Welcome to Lanser Chiropractic's Our Newsletter Archive. Here you can learn more about Lanser Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C., today's choice for Chiropractors in Sunnyvale, CA. Read Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C.'s Chiropractic Our Newsletter for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - 408-245-5454.
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Aug 6, 2014 | Our Newsletter
Dear Patient and Friend,
Many patients are attracted to chiropractic because they had a painful problem and wanted a safe, all-natural drug-free way to get well. Some tried other approaches to address their condition, and ended up with chiropractic as the proverbial “last resort” which finally helped them.
It’s normal for people to go to doctors to help them through a health crisis – doctors of medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, dentistry and other fields are accustomed to patients coming in to be treated on an emergency basis.
But the chiropractic approach is somewhat different – the chiropractor often does not directly treat your condition, but rather is focused on helping the nerve system to do a better job running the body. It’s up to the brain and the brain’s wiring system, the nerve system, to send messages throughout the body to direct the healing process, and chiropractors find where this nerve control is disrupted and correct it to restore normal function.
That’s why chiropractors help people with all different kinds of problems – because removing interference in the nerve system affects every aspect of the body’s function that is under nerve control, and that’s almost everything.
It’s also the reason why you don’t have to wait until you have a health problem before you consult a doctor of chiropractic – by keeping your brain, nerve system and spine healthy, you improve your body’s ability to function and heal itself.
Get regular check-ups for yourself and your family at your chiropractor’s office – it keeps your brain and body working together to keep you healthy!
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by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Jul 3, 2014 | Our Newsletter
Dear Patient and Friend,
You may not have thought about it before, but your brain is the central computer that runs your body. When your brain is healthy, your body gets good direction and you have good health. But if your brain gets stressed, your body starts to suffer.
So what can you do to keep your brain healthy?
- Get enough sleep.Sleep gives your brain a chance to recover from the day’s work, to replenish energy and to prepare for the next healthy day.
- Eat a brain-healthy diet.Examplesofgoodbrainfoodsare blueberries, avocadoes, nuts and seeds, carrots, spinach, sage, eggs, flax, salmon, curry, broccoli, olives, and of course water. Foods that stress your brain are fried foods, salty foods, fatty foods, sugary foods, processed foods, alcohol and artificial sweeteners.
- Do something to de-stress emotionally – examples are exercise, meditation, prayer, breathing, yoga, massage, or any practice that relieves your stress. Make it a regular habit, or include several approaches to keep it interesting.
- Get a check-up from a doctor of chiropractic.Latest research shows that chiropractic care reduces brain stress.
When your brain is healthy, your body can regulate and heal itself.
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by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Jun 18, 2014 | Our Newsletter
Dear Patient and Friend,
Most people already know that their chiropractor can help their families with a wide spectrum of problems, from headaches to back pain to breathing and digestive disorders and much more.
But what most families don’t realize is that the best use of chiropractic care is as health and wellness care, to keep your body working at peak efficiency instead of waiting for painful symptoms to occur.
This modern approach to health care, to be proactive and pursue good body function rather than waiting until illness strikes, can save considerable suffering, and also considerable money – it costs less to keep yourself healthy than to get healthy once you have gotten sick.
Depending on your current level of health, you may require more or less attention, but one thing is for sure – if you get less care than you need, your health will get worse, and if you get the care you need, your health will get better. It’s just common sense.
So if you already have a painful problem, get over to your chiropractor right away and start working on making that better. But even if you are feeling reasonably well, if you haven’t been examined for a while, you’re probably overdue, regardless of your current condition. Don’t wait — it could lead to unnecessary discomfort and wear and tear on your body.
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by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | May 6, 2014 | Our Newsletter
Dear Patient and Friend,
Do you make good decisions about your health and your family’s health?
Do you feed yourself and your family with wholesome, natural foods, drink plenty of water, and avoid sugars, fried foods, and excessive meals? Do you sleep comfortably and soundly each night, and awaken refreshed and optimistic?
Do you maintain a positive mental attitude, looking for the good in life and handling your challenges with a healthy outlook? Do you consult health and wellness advisors, including your doctor of chiropractic, to be sure you are covering the bases and moving yourself and your family toward the best life possible?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, congratulations – you are participating in one of the most important movements on the planet right now, the Chiropractic Wellness Lifestyle Movement.
Go into most supermarkets or grocery stores, and you’ll find organic, gluten free, non-GMO (genetically modified) and all-natural foods being sold. Go into any sporting goods store, and see the proliferation of athletic products, shoes and sports equipment and athletic apparel and much more.
This embrace from manufacturers, merchants and consumers alike is fueling the movement toward better lifestyle decision-making, which has been championed by doctors of chiropractic for over a hundred years.
There is a clear trend manifesting that supports healthy choices, the development of constructive habits and behaviors, and the philosophy of natural wellness. It all adds up to a lifestyle – the Chiropractic Wellness Lifestyle.
Be sure to click here and download our full newsletter.
by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Apr 2, 2014 | Our Newsletter
Dear Patient and Friend,
Sometimes we mistakenly think that good health is complicated, and that only highly educated people can understand the science of being well.
But actually, most of what we need to know to be healthy and well is common sense.
For example, which is probably better for you, clean and wholesome natural and organic foods, or processed, chemically treated foodstuffs?
Which is better for you, sleeping soundly and comfortably through the night, or missing sleep?
What keeps your body in good working order, regular exercise or no exercise?
Who is healthier, someone who thinks and speaks positively, or someone who is unhappy and hostile?
Who is more likely to express good health, someone with a healthy brain, spine and nerve system, or someone with interference and stress?
You see, good health is common sense – decide which habits you think and feel are best for you, and adopt those behaviors, and you’ll have a better chance of living with vitality, energy and good body function.
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by Dr. Wendy Lanser D.C. | Mar 3, 2014 | Our Newsletter
Dear Patient and Friend,
How does chiropractic care work? It may seem mysterious, but actually, it’s based on sound scientific principles.
There are really four basic concepts that explain why chiropractic has become the foremost natural healing art.
1. The body heals itself. If your body is working properly, it is designed to self-heal and self- regulate for a hundred years or more.
2. The brain and nerve system act as the control and communications network in the body. The brain generates signals, and the nerve system carries the messages to all the body parts. Current research shows that the brain has stations not only in the head, but in the heart and the gut as well, all contributing to the control and communication of the body.
3. Anything that disrupts or interferes with brain and nerve communication is bad. Stresses on the nerve system can be physical, chemical or emotional, and they all affect the brain and compromise function.
4. Anything that relieves disruption or interference with brain communication is good. Examples are exercise, proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, meditation, and of course chiropractic care.
These four ideas explain how chiropractic works – the body can usually run and heal itself, but if anything interferes with the nerve control to and from the brain, the body can’t work as well. Chiropractic adjustments, as well as other constructive lifestyle decisions, reduce brain stress and improve overall body function, including healing from health problems of all kinds.
Your doctor of chiropractic can advise you and your family on the condition of your brain and nerve system, so it pays to include safe, natural chiropractic care in your health and wellness strategy!
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