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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – June 2017 Issue
Dear Patient and Friend,
If Junior gets sick, Mom or Dad might need to take a personal day to make the rounds to the doctors – and if Mom or Dad gets hurt, everyone else has to take on some additional chores and responsibilities to pick up the slack.
Health is clearly a family affair, not only when someone is ill, but even when all are healthy and well. Being able to participate fully in a thriving household where all family members work together and play together makes life easier and smoother, decreasing stress and expressing vitality.
Many families have to deal with health challenges, to be sure, but when the family pulls toward health, it tends to make things better. Eating healthy food, getting enough sleep and exercise, and making regular visits to your family chiropractor are only a few of the health habits that seem to improve family health.
The opposite is also true – those families who eat poorly, get little rest or exercise, and don’t take care of their brain, spine and nerve system with chiropractic care tend to have a lesser degree of family health – it’s only common sense.
Which family would you rather be part of? Make good choices and develop a healthy lifestyle – your future may depend on it.