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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – October 2015 Issue

lanser-logoDear Patient and Friend,

One of the major chiropractic educational institutions, Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, partnered with the Gallup organization to study the use of chiropractic care in our society, and the results are glowingly positive.

Gallup says this is the first time that the behaviors of chiropractic patients have been studied in this detail. They state, “Chiropractic care focuses on neurological and musculoskeletal health, and aims to favorably affect overall health and well-being, relieve pain and infirmity, enhance performance, and improve quality of life without drugs or surgery.”

They discovered that almost half of the US has seen a chiropractor at some time, with 33 million Americans visiting their doctors of chiropractic in the last year. They found that patients are four times more likely to visit a chiropractor for neck or back pain than either a physical therapist or a massage therapist.

Among the 5442 participants in the study, about two thirds of them reported a positive overall impression of chiropractors, with only 11% disagreeing, the rest being neutral. The majority felt that chiropractors were trustworthy and had their patients’ best interests in mind, and less than 10% disagreed with that.

These kinds of research studies show that chiropractors have a great reputation, with high marks in patient satisfaction and clinical effectiveness. You can visit and refer to your doctor of chiropractic with confidence – your neighbors do.

Be sure to click here and download our full newsletter.

For Your Health,

Dr. Wendy Lanser, DC

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