Dear Patient and Friend,
Holidays of gratitude like Thanksgiving give us more than an opportunity to demonstrate our appreciation.
Modern science is proving that gratitude actually helps us to live longer, and with a better quality of life. Most of us realize the detrimental effects of stress, and gratitude is being shown to reduce our stress.
On, University of California Davis psychology professor and gratitude researcher Dr. Robert Emmons, says that “feelings of thankfulness have tremendous positive value in helping people cope with daily problems.”
Grateful people have healthier immune systems, so they get sick less often, and get better faster when they do. That‟s because people with a positive attitude produce more protective blood cells than those who are more pessimistic, studies show.
So, it seems that gratitude has real health rewards! Here are four simple steps to help you be more grateful and get those health benefits.
- Make a gratitude journal, and make regular entries to remind and focus yourself on what you have to be thankful for.
Write a list of the assets in your life, and see if you take any for granted, so you stay mindful of your blessings.
Monitor your self-talk, and communicate better with yourself, so you can maintain your balance and good attitude in times of duress.
Choose a better way to deal with adverse situations – after all, you feel differently if you look at who’s in the diaper than you do if you look at what’s in the diaper.
Get into the habit of noticing the good things in your life and appreciating them – not only does it make you nicer to be around, it could increase your longevity and give you a better quality of life.
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For Your Health,
Dr. Wendy Lanser, DC