Welcome to Lanser Chiropractic

Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – May 2015 Issue

Dear Patient and Friend,

Most people agree that being healthy is more than just feeling okay. Being healthy means having a sense of physical, emotional and social well-being, and not only the absence of sickness.

Healthy people everywhere are not settling for only a feeling of being not sick – they are choosing healthy habits to move themselves beyond not sick, into glowing, vibrant good health.

In fact, there’s a whole field of study, referred to as “wellness,” which includes many different kinds of health professionals and related services. Wellness occurs when you make lifestyle decisions that lead to even better health.

Examples of such lifestyle decisions could include a healthier diet, more sleep, drinking more water, regular exercise, doing yoga, meditation, or reducing your brain stress with chiropractic care.

Which of these healthy habits you pick up is a personal choice – but every time you do something deliberately to make yourself healthier, you are practicing wellness.

There are, of course, some aspects of our health that we cannot control – that’s why it’s so important to control what you can, and to develop a lifestyle that helps you get the most out of your life.

Your doctor of chiropractic is one of your best resources for health and wellness information. Consult your chiropractor and ask for some recommendations to improve your lifestyle and become more well.

Be sure to click here and download our full newsletter.

For Your Health,

Dr. Wendy Lanser, DC

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