Dear Patient and Friend,
Many of you have probably heard that we only use 10% of our brain, but this is completely untrue. After all, do you only use a tenth of your stomach, your muscles, your eyes, or any of your other organs? Then why your brain?
Our body is designed perfectly, without extra moving parts that have no reason to be there. According to Yale Medical School neuroscientist Dr. Steven Novella, we use all of our brain – we just may not yet understand how all of the brain functions.
But tremendous progress is being made at understanding how the brain works, and at the forefront of this research is Dr. Heidi Haavik, director of the Center for Chiropractic Research in New Zealand, and author of “The Reality Check.” The early returns on her most recent studies demonstrate that chiropractic adjustments improve brain health, and people who get regular chiropractic care are more likely to have healthier brains.
We’re still at the beginning of understanding the brain, but common sense tells us that proper eating, sleeping, hydration, avoidance of trauma and reducing toxicity will help your brain to work better. Add in chiropractic care, and you increase your chances for a healthy brain, and therefore, a healthier life.
All of your brain is available for your use, not just 10% — and if you want it to work at its best, take good care of it, and it will reward you for the effort.
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For Your Health,
Dr. Wendy Lanser, DC