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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – January 2016 Issue

lanser-logoDear Patient and Friend,

At the beginning of every year many people decide that this is the year they get healthy – eat better, sleep more, exercise and meditate and all the other good things that lead to better health.

The problem is, when we try to do everything, it’s hard to get it all right, and if we set the bar unreasonably high, then it feels like we’re failing even If we’re doing pretty well.

Instead, in this New Year, pick one thing and commit to working at it.

Do you want to be fitter? Plan a simple exercise program, starting slowly and getting more vigorous as you make progress. Three thirty minute sessions should be plenty to get started, and then add more sessions and more intensity from there.

Do you want to be thinner? Reduce your portion size – you can still eat a variety of foods, but eat less, and you’ll be surprised how easy it is to knock off some of those unwanted pounds.

Do you want to be calmer and less stressed? Pick a short time each day just for quiet time, to be alone with your thoughts, or even better, see if you can get outside and commune with nature, or learn to practice yoga.

Do you want your body to be tuned up to peak efficiency? Visit your chiropractor – doctors of chiropractic are experts on the inner workings of your body, keeping you in alignment and balance for optimal performance.

Maybe you can do all of these things over time, but at least you can do one right now – pick a health habit and commit to it, and you’ll feel better, look better, and your body will work that much better. Happy New Year!

Be sure to click here and download our full newsletter.

For Your Health,

Dr. Wendy Lanser, DC

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