Dear Patient and Friend,
February is a great month for lovers to express themselves to each other. But did you know that love also has health benefits?
Love is more than just an emotion of affection and attachment. It’s also a virtue, including kindness, compassion, and concern for others. As such, love encourages positive emotions and sensations. It also stimulates laughter, great for both physical and mental wellbeing.
At, Carmelia Raye says love is a “powerful antidote to fight stress, conflict and pain both mentally and physically. Love also has the power to heal and renew one’s mental, emotional and physical well being. Research shows that loving acts neutralize the kind of negative emotions that adversely affect immune, endocrine and cardiovascular function.”
Psychotherapist and health administrator Dr. Jodi Prohofsky says, “Endorphins are the key… Love triggers the hormone oxytocin which makes us feel good. It also lowers the levels of stress chemicals in our system. Physical contact like cuddles, hugs and kisses trigger the production of oxytocin.”
This sounds technical, but all it really means is that love turns on healing and “feel-good” chemicals in your body – so spread the love around, and let people show their love in return! It makes us all happier and healthier.
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For Your Health,
Dr. Wendy Lanser, DC