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Breakthrough Patient Newsletter – April 2016 Issue

lanser-logoDear Patient and Friend,

t seems like a day doesn’t go by without some report about some food additive, flavoring or preservative that turns out to be harmful to us. Sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose, high fructose corn syrup, saturated fats and GMO wheat and soybean oil are in almost everything we eat – what’s a family to do?

We expected the food manufacturers to be responsible for what they sell, and to some degree they make an effort to do so, but let’s face it, they are in business and they are not above cutting corners to improve their bottom line.
That means that it’s up to the food consumer to decide what is acceptable and what isn’t. Educate yourself – the information is generally just a click or two away online. If you read the labels on your foods and there are ingredients you can’t pronounce, that should be a clue – what’s that stuff doing in there? Some may be safe, but astute people don’t just take the company’s word for it – they check it out for themselves.

Whoever makes these food-related decisions in your home – have a conversation about extra substances that show up in your food, and take an extra step to be sure the food you serve at your table is up to speed. If it’s labeled organic or non-GMO, it’s a start – and then, if you do a few minutes of research, you’ll find out which food additives are linked to health problems you may want to know about.

It could be one of the greatest favors you ever do for those you love.

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For Your Health,

Dr. Wendy Lanser, DC

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