Dear Patient and Friend,
Heart disease has been our worst killer for decades. Traditionally, we wait until signs and symptoms of heart disease occur, and then we take medications until the system fails, leading to surgery and whatever. Some may need this, but there’s a way to intervene before health deteriorates, without the downside risk of these usual methods.
You may have heard of the “Mediterranean diet,” a popular eating style designed for good health and moderating weight. The guidelines are simple enough – fruits and vegetables, seafood, moderate dairy and wine, and reduced or occasional meat. But the centerpiece of the Mediterranean diet is olive oil – frying foods in it, dressing your salads with it, and creatively finding as many clever applications as you can.
It turns out that olive oil is one of the healthiest parts of this diet – and the reason for that is the large amounts of oleic acid found in olives.
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For Your Health,
Dr. Wendy Lanser, DC